Dear Good Shepherd and friends, Here's what I'd like to see someday on fb, instagram, twitter, snapchat, or whatever popular social media platform people are using: Just got done yelling at my wife/husband. We don't normally connect very well, to be honest. He/she doesn't always make all my dreams come true. And I rushed the kids out the door again this morning. Couldn't wait for them to be out of the house. Today is 80% frustration, 20% enjoyment. #notblessed I'd like it to be a real post. With the messy house in the background. No staged stuff. Not a manufactured bad day post. Nor do I want it to be the type of post that makes being imperfect a badge of honor. It's not that I want people's lives to be difficult. What I'm getting at is that we seldom see real posts that are not afraid to be raw and honest, and not filtered or posed, posts that actually don't try to make one's life seem all happy all the time. Let's be brutally honest:...
Forces outside of ourselves shape our lives. We are never independent writers of our own stories. But we can be attentive to what story writes us.