Confession: life is hard. We all get that. Another confession: we're usually to blame. Aside from human tragedy, which will beset all of us at some point, most of our difficulty in life is because we're just really obstinate human beings. By this, I mean to say that collectively and individually, we stubbornly refuse the best course of action in front of us, often to our own detriment, and then we complain about how tough life is and give excuses for why. That's the human story, both from a Biblical standpoint and, well, just from simple observation. It leaves me with a lot of questions and sometimes frustration. This week we in our house had a very difficult conversation (read: "family blow up"). It was everybody. No one person lit the fuse. The fuse was already lit some time in the past. It was the accumulation of individual instances of refusing to take the better course of action. Sure, we're all struggling. We're in a new place. New changes in life. ...
Forces outside of ourselves shape our lives. We are never independent writers of our own stories. But we can be attentive to what story writes us.