Dear Good Shepherd and friends, In a previous life, my wife and I watched a movie called Memento (2000). Here's the storyline: the movie is about the life of this individual named Leonard who suffers from an acute form of amnesia where his brain cannot store short-term memories. Throughout the movie, Leonard has to create ways to constantly remind himself of what he is doing, and who people around him are. Every moment is like a new "present" moment, because Leonard can't recall what just happened. Even though he knows his own name, and for the most part remembers his identity, he is always in a state of forgetting what's going on around him. Because he can't recall the past, he struggles to move forward. So to get on in life, Leonard would take polaroid pictures of nearly everything important to remember what he is doing, where he is going. As he would return home or to his car, the pictures served as a reminder of people in his life, of what he's suppos...
Forces outside of ourselves shape our lives. We are never independent writers of our own stories. But we can be attentive to what story writes us.