3rd Week of Easter, 2020 Dear Good Shepherd of Adair and friends, I want you to know how much of a blessing you all are, to one another and to me and my family. Being your pastor is not an impersonal religious job -- for me, at least. Church is not religious school or the place where we learn and memorize a set curriculum. It’s life. It’s personal. It’s relationships. It’s struggle. It’s you, your families, and mine trying to turn our faces to God, listening for his voice, paying attention to one another, celebrating, weeping. Together. My family and I are wired in such a way that we can’t do this life of faith thing without exposing ourselves. We can’t do it without letting you in, inviting you to be part of our lives and our family. And I suspect that many of you have a faith that does...
Forces outside of ourselves shape our lives. We are never independent writers of our own stories. But we can be attentive to what story writes us.